My name is Samantha Santambrogio-Öberg and I came to Sweden from Milan in 1996. After ten years as a system developer, I decided to completely change course and realize my dream. My dream was to work with my lifelong passion for food, culture and travel. Today, food, culture, tradition and Italy are what I do on a daily basis. Details in the preparation, the choice of ingredients and family atmosphere around tables and pots - that's what I teach. A cooking class with us is a break and a respite in a busy everyday life, whether you do a team-building cooking activity with colleagues or customers, or if you cook with family and friends. A pasta dish enjoyed in Tuscany may have a slightly different character than if you eat the same dish in Stockholm. But in my kitchen you get very close to that special, Italian feeling.
Al Dente ger en paus och ett andrum i en jäktad vardag, vare sig du gör en teambuildande matlagningsaktivitet med kollegor eller kunder, eller om du lagar mat tillsammans med familj och vänner.