Few spots left
Community Singing
Do you yearn to sing together with others without the pressure to performance or having prior knowledge requirements? Do you want to get in touch with your own voice from the inside out? Regardless of whether you have never sung before or if you have a lot of experience, you are most welcome! Community singing with Ida Lod is about the natural and original joy and power of meeting and singing together - something that people have done throughout the ages. In addition to singing songs in unison, in canon and with simple harmonies, we work with voice and movement warm-up, breathing, relaxation and playful improvisation. The aim is to strengthen well-being, self-esteem and community. We will also give time for reflection. Regardless of whether you have sung a lot or have never sung, you are welcome. It's fine to come all the time or just try it once. Free of charge!
Total time 6h, divided into 3 occasions
- Röst- och rörelseuppvärmning - Utlärning av sånger - Toning och kreativt skapande med rösten utifrån tydlig ramar - Repetition av sångerna vi lärt oss - Reflektion
Ingen förkunskap behövs!
My passion is to create spaces where people come in contact with their own voice and their own, unique creative expression. Since 2010 I run the company Creative Voice and offer courses and individual sessions in southern Stockholm. I also give workshops at workplaces and other venues. In addition to the educational and therapeutic activities, I work with music and performance in various contexts. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Music Pedagogy and a Masters in Music Performance from the University of Gothenburg University. I am also trained in Holistic Voice Therapy at the British Academy of Sound Therapy and have for many years furthered my education in various forms of embodied voicework including many workshops with teachers from the Roy Hart Theatre.
Purchase policy
Your can cancel or reschedule your booking up to 10 day(s) before start. You can always transfer your seat, even if there are less than 10 day(s) left. Read more